Canesten® Vaginal pH Self Test

Canesten® Vaginal pH Self Test
Dealing with vaginal infections can make you feel less confident and less in control of your body, not to mention very uncomfortable. Canesten® Vaginal pH Self Test allows you to diagnose yourself in the comfort of your home, quickly giving you reliable results that are over 90% accurate.1
It’s a solution that will put you back in control of your intimate health and give you the ability to request the right treatment or consult with a doctor if needed.
Is it thrush or BV?
While both thrush and bacterial vaginosis (BV) are very common, they’re two different types of infections and as such require different approach. However, they are not always easy for women to identify.
With Canesten Vaginal pH Self Test, you can test before you treat, so you know you're requesting the solution that will bring you effective relief from your infection.
Thrush is a fungal infection caused by an overgrowth of the yeast (Candida albicans) which often leads to symptoms such as vaginal itching, soreness or a white vaginal discharge.
Bacterial Vaginosis
BV is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria naturally found in your vagina. BV symptoms usually include a fishy odour and a greyish-white, watery discharge.
How to use?
Wash your hands thoroughly before and after using Canesten® Vaginal pH Self Test.
It’s similar to inserting a tampon and it shouldn’t cause you any discomfort.
How does Canesten pH Self Test work?
Your vagina normally has an acidic pH level – this keeps the good and bad bacteria that live in your healthy vagina in check. Any changes to your vaginal pH balance can cause and can also be an indication of an infection. Canesten Vaginal pH Self Test tells you if you have a relevant pH shift in your vagina. By understanding your pH, as well as your symptoms Canesten Vaginal pH Self Test can help you to understand and help to diagnose the type of vaginal condition that you may be suffering from, such as thrush or bacterial vaginosis.
How do you interpret the results?
If your Canesten Vaginal pH Self Test swab didn’t change colour after 10 seconds, and you have symptoms such as (white) thick, cottage cheese like discharge, none or a non-offensive odour, intense vaginal (or vulvar) itching or burning and no painful urination then it means that you may be suffering from thrush.
If the results indicate thrush, you may consider using a Canesten® Thrush Treatment product. Canesten offers a range of convenient thrush treatments that are available over the counter at your local pharmacy. Simply show or discuss the results of this test and request a Canesten treatment from your pharmacists to treat the condition.
If the tip of the swab did not change colour after 10 seconds and you do not have the symptoms of vaginal thrush indicated in the symptoms table, then it is likely that you are not suffering from a common vaginal infection.
If your Canesten Vaginal pH Self Test swab changed colour to Green/Blue, and you are suffering from symptoms such as a thin milky, white or grey discharge, fishy or unpleasant odour, intermittent vaginal (or vulvar) itching and burning and no painful urination then you likely have a bacterial infection such as bacterial vaginosis (BV). Consult your doctor for treatment advice.
If Canesten Vaginal pH Self Test swab changed colour and the tip becomes Green/Blue and you are experiencing symptoms such as bubbly, yellow-green sticky discharge, musty or unpleasant odour, intense vaginal (or vulvar) itching or burning and painful urination then you will need to show or discuss the results of this test with your doctor.
Note: Any partial green or blue stain on the yellow indicator swab tip should be considered as a colour change.
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